To know Jesus and make Him known.

Welcome To Church

Sunrise Community Church exists to know Jesus and make Him known. In Mt. 28:19, Jesus commissioned his followers to “go and make disciples of all nations”. This command is our mission and it requires that all members of Sunrise are involved in two main activities: ‘being a disciple of Jesus, who makes disciples of Jesus.’

We meet every Sunday at 10am at Cayman Prep High School.

Core Values


This means that everything we do is centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ.


Jesus came to earth as a missionary and he said we must follow his example. 


We love the person and work of the Holy Spirit and cherish His activity in our lives. 

You're Invited!

Worship with Us!

Sundays 10:00am
559 Walkers Rd, George Town

Men's Fellowship

This is an awesome way to build solid relationships with other godly men! 


No matter the season you find yourself in, there is a place for you at Flourish.

Get Involved

Community Groups

By God’s grace, we will provide environments where we can be vulnerable to come as we are.

Serve at Sunrise

Exercise your gifts at Sunrise! Our Ministries are the life-blood of our church. Find life-giving community and get involved.

Community Outreach

Sunrise holds many community centered events each year and participates in regular projects to help those in urgent need of help.

Upcoming Events

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